Mel & Anth

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A Closer Look at Sound Healing

Sound Healing Therapy is one of the top wellness trends of 2022 and for good reason!!

Now more than ever, people are stressed out, riddled with anxiety, unwell, and looking for alternative ways to heal their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. This is why sound healing is so popular, there are few healing modalities that can tap into all the layers of consciousness.

This ancient form of healing has been practiced for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks found sound healing to be a powerful tool for helping to deal with mental disorders. In Australia, there have been indigenous people using didgeridoos for over 40,000 years in ceremonies. 

You see we live in a universe where everything has a vibrational frequency. Humans are made up of roughly 60 percent water, meaning we are vibrational beings highly affected by sound frequencies.

What I personally love about sound healing is its ability to clear stagnant energy in our energy field. It has the ability to blend and smooth out stagnant energies before there too dense and start to present as disease.

When we clear these stagnant energies the body finally has the ability to heal. This in turn prevents complications and disease down the road. 

The issue with the existing western medical system is it is designed as a symptom suppression-based system, meaning they do not look for a root cause of the issue, they only deal with the symptoms being presented, failing to treat the body as a whole.

The problem with only dealing with symptoms is that you will never heal!! How can you possibly heal if you are not dealing with the root cause of the symptom or looking at the body as an entire unit?

This is where energy medicine shines, it has the ability to heal at a root cause level with no need for medications that have the potential to lead to other ailments.

If you are still skeptical, just think of how many times your bad mood turned into a great mood once your favorite song played on the radio. Music and sound have that innate ability to pick us up when needed.

I personally love to use a multitude of instruments ranging from crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls, tuning forks, voice, native American drum, and gongs to bring the treatment together. My training has incorporated many approaches to help achieve the intentionally desired outcome set at the beginning of every session.

When laying on the treatment table it is not uncommon for clients to see visions and experience past lives. This altered state of consciousness is possible due to the client entering the ALPHA-THETA brain state. Using sound to place the mind into a THETA brain state {Quantum Field} we can open new doors to health. The quantum field is where the magic happens, this is where we let go of our programming and open the doors to true possibilities!

This 5D state of consciousness is where we can literally heal and create anything our hearts desire.

Sound healing has so many benefits to our bodies and minds, here are just a few examples of what it can help with…

  • Depression

  • Anxiety Disorder

  • Dementia

  • Sleep disorders

  • Aches and pains

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Improved sleep

  • Less stress

Sound Healing can put you into a parasympathetic state, and in this state, we produce nitric oxide which helps open blood vessels.  This anti-inflammatory gas can help alleviate pain and help prevent disease. We benefit greatly when we give ourselves the time to go within and nurture ourselves.

So if you looking for new ways to upgrade your body and consciousness sound healing may be just what you have been looking for!!

Book your appointment today (located in Sea Side NB).

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