HAIR TISSUE MINERAL ANALYSIS returning the spark to your life

Are you looking for answers as to why you're so flipping exhausted all the time ... why your hair keeps falling out ... or why you're gaining weight despite the fact that you haven't changed your diet or exercise routine?

Have you had medical tests come back saying there is nothing wrong with you, yet you still feel like crap and you just want to know what you need to do so you can start feeling better?

Are you ready to take control of your life and do whatever it takes for you to reclaim optimal health?

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How the Rainbow Can Heal: The Science of Food Colors

There is an old adage that claims we should 'eat the rainbow' to gain optimal health. It turns out that while we should definitely eat the colors of the rainbow, just being exposed to its light can help as well. 

Every day, we are surrounded by the full spectrum of colors: the bright red of the stop sign on our way to work; the glowing orange-yellow sunlight shining through our window; the sea of swaying green grass in the local park; the dark indigo skin of succulent blueberries and blackberries.

While we might stop and take a moment to appreciate the beauty of these colors, we often don’t think about the powerful effects that seeing and eating different colors have on our physical health and emotional well-being.

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